Fionavar's Lucky, English Springer Spaniel extrodinaire

Fionavar Kennels

Field Bred Springer Spaniels from the world's finest bloodlines

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March 11, 2025

Fionavar Kennels

R.R. # 2
455 Munro Line
Clayton, Ontario
K0A 1P0

Ed or Vera


Welcome to our Field Bred Springer Spaniel Spaniel Kennel

If you are interested in a Springer for your family consider a Fionavar puppy from a Fall breeding. Any of the puppies from our Fall litters will be intelligent with a real willingness to please, they will be easy to train and will retaining their lessons, in other words they should be bright lights. They will have been raised in the centre of our very busy home with childern, grandchildern, extended family and friends.


Bella Donna & Brody Litter
five girls
Born: 1 Sep 2017

Fionavar Kennels - Field Bred English Springer Spaniels

We raise, train, hunt and just plain enjoy having fun with Field Bred English Springer Spaniels. Springers are the finest flushing dog to be found, in my humble opinion but most of all they are the best companion that an active family or individual can treasure. Springers are among the most versatile of hunting dogs fully capable of retrieving a shoot of ducks and geese as well as any type of upland game be it, pheasant, partridge, grouse, quail, woodcock or rabbit. Our dogs have gone on to excel in a wide variety of endeavors including detection dogs, explosives and drugs, therapy, companion, agility, obedience and of course hunting. We have started dogs, these guys are at various levels of training and experience We have English Springer Spaniel puppies for sale.

Kennel Pages

We have added new pages and updated others

Your Pages

These are for you to see your Fionavar puppy, started, or trained Springer in action this is your opportunity to show your Spaniel to the world. So we need pictures this being a visual medium, send us you Fionavar Spaniel in action or for that matter at rest is also just fine.

As you can see we are still under construction and really willing to get some constructive help on the site. We can't see everything so please let us know if there are problems we appreciate your comments.


Quick Bits

We looking very forward to the Tippy & Sam litter two very, very nice Springers with huge drive and ability these puppies should be just incredible family companions.

Kiwi and Arcee puppies should be very athletic and bright as a first litter for both these puppies will be of great interest to us. We are hoping for big things out of this duo and really will be excited to see them grow and mature.

If you are looking for that young Springer Spaniel but can forgo the puppy trials & tribulations, then take a look at some of our fine young adults that are available. They are all crate trained and have obedience training, field training and a bit of history behind them.